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Trackers are programs created by members of the community that allow players to keep track of their progress throughout their play-through and can be divided into two different categories: Item Trackers and Map Trackers. There are currently 4 different trackers that can be used and each one is different in it's own way. Below is a description of each tracker and the link to where it can be found.

Taka's Map Tracker

Taka Map Tracker

Link To Tracker


  • A minimalist Map Tracker that is straightforward in regards to usage and look.
  • Supports both SD and HD versions of the game.
  • Is missing a couple checks and has not been updated in a while.

Lunar Soap's Web Tracker (Updated by Feli)

Lunar Map Tracker

Link To Tracker


  • An in-depth map tracker that is geared more towards the Randomizer.
  • Accounts for Randomizer settings and has other customizations as well.
  • Can be overwhelming as there are a lot of moving parts.
  • Saves your progress using cookies.

Lunar and Chrono Triggered | Keanu's Emotracker Pack

Lunar Emotracker Pack

Link to Download Emotracker

Link to the Source Code


  • Basically a portable version of Lunar's Web Tracker
  • Supports both SD and HD
  • Has a Map Tracker option as well
  • Less bells and whistles than the web tracker and more compact.

J_im's Emotracker Pack

jim's emotracker pack

Link to Download Emotracker

Link to the Source Code


  • Supports the 1.0.0-b3 Beta Release of the Randomizer
  • Supports Key Shuffle
  • Supports Shuffled Dungeon Rewards

Vyneras' Emotracker Pack

Vyneras Emotracker

Link to Download Emotracker

Link To Source Code


  • Supports the 1.0.0-b4 Beta Release of the Randomizer
  • Displays Keys in a separate grouping
  • Supports Key Shuffle
  • Supports Shuffled Dungeon Rewards

LinSo's Tracker

linso's tracker pack

Link to tracker (if it don't work copy past the url)


  • Supports the current release of the Randomizer
  • Supports Key Shuffle
  • Supports randomized Dungeon Rewards

French Community Settings Emotracker Pack

FCS Emotracker Pack

Link to Download Emotracker

Link to the Source Code


  • A compact tracker with only the necessary items to track
  • Supports the current French Community Settings
  • Has a Map Tracker option as well

AudioPixie's Map Tracker

AudioPixie Tracker

Link to latest release

Link to the Source Code


  • A local tracker that tracks items and also includes a map tracker.
  • Supports the latest version of the Randomizer
  • Is Cross-Platform and can work on various Operating Systems and computing platforms.
  • Has the ability to auto-generate settings, generate hints, and update other graphical options upon importing a Spoiler Log.
  • Refer to the ReadME for a list of all of the options and features.